Solomon’s Seal: Herbal Protection Network

Who We Are:

We are a group of passionate herbalists who are led by the call of unity, prayer, and community. We act in accordance with the law of reciprocity: that all gifts given are returned in kind and that it is our inherent responsibility to assist one another. We form a sacred and supportive circle— one that transcends barriers of belief and background.

Our Mission

To organize an active & vast network of herbalists who are prepared to mobilize during crises. We seek to support and celebrate the herbalists in this network— weaving a protective web throughout our communities.

What Our Name Means

Solomon’s Seal is a powerful plant ally— one whose roots have the ability to heal & strengthen connective tissue. We seek to emulate this characteristic! While we are not a religious organization, we are inspired by King Solomon’s sincere quest for wisdom & find strength in the stories of old.